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I love this… Fox News’s position appears to be “Traitors Ditch Moscow Mitch Impeach Trump 86 45 shirt Russia should not be allowed to spread misinformation and divide our country. We’re the only ones who should be able to do that. Here is another thought. In addition to Mitch’s refusing to allow any, repeat any electoral security bills to come to the floor for a vote, consider this. I cannot find any mention that HE, Mitch has sponsered, cowrote or introduced any election security bills on the Senate floor. Repeat not one. I honestly hope I’m wrong. If I’m right, what a blight. Moscow Mitch, a well deserved and earned the moniker. The entire “administration” under tRump is a bunch of Moscow Puppets. I am sure Putin is a Happy Camper, he’s already assured of having them carry on regardless.


Buy this shirt: Traitors Ditch Moscow Mitch Impeach Trump 86 45 shirt




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