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I need to know what clay was used on this project. Never underestimate a woman who understands Baseball and loves Yankees shirt I looking for good type of clay to make my own figures. It would have been more epic if he’s holding the Stormbreaker and a broken cap on the floor. that is no longer possible, the head of the short thor. and queen destroys it by a comment with the gems of infinity is an ironman. I once tried to get into this kind of stuff but damn it took me forever to remove the clay at the tip of my blades. Not for me. Endgame ending according to me. After absorbing Gama rays from Infinity gauntlet Hulk turns super powerful than before like world breaker hulk and beats Thanos to the pulp. Not the endgame ending.




Buy this shirt: Never underestimate a woman who understands Baseball and loves Yankees shirt






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