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Watched today with my 7 & 10 yr old, the lovely 2019 Al West Division Champions Houston Astros shirt film has you in giggles & tears 7 yr old said it’s his favorite film ever! What new watchers need to know: they’re alive, they’re dead, they’re alive, they’re possessed, one’s dead, one’s alive, one’s possessed while the other is dead, they have amnesia, they’re dead with amnesia, they’re possessed with amnesia. The first time I looked at this show was on Netflix years ago and I didn’t think I could get through the entire first season because I thought it would be really scary. Here I am now and I barely ever miss an episode when it first airs on tv, completely sad that the final season is coming soon and also completely obsessed and in love with the show, the character and the actors who play the characters.



Buy this shirt: 2019 Al West Division Champions Houston Astros shirt






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